Rancho Cucamonga Style, An Outdoors Style Off...and a Mini Michael Jackson??? Yep, Welcome to Project Style Victoria Gardens!!!!
As you probably read in my previous post, I had been in NYC last Friday for some business meetings--along with my NIKOLAKI partner-in-design crime, David Paul. I also attended the Finale Runway Show of Project Runway Season 9. The following day, I got on a 7AM flight to LA. Why? I had very important Duties: I was to Host the "Project Style" at the Victoria Gardens Shopping Center in Rancho Cucamonga--about 40 miles east of Los Angeles.

Upon arriving the beautiful outdoors mall--located with the gorgeous mountain backdrop in Rancho Cucamonga--I got acquainted with the stage, met "my" DJ and of course, the Finalists of this year's Victoria Gardens "Project Style". These budding stylistas went on shoptopia.com, applied, were picked as Finalists in five different rounds of competition and now they were here for the Live Style-Off.
The Competition was as follows: I gave each of the Finalists a $200 VG Gift Card and they had ONE HOUR to shop for an entire ensemble, put it on and then model it in front of all the audience--including very supportive friends and family AND every random Mall Shopper Attendee!!!--and then a panel of judges would decide who would win the Grand Prize of a $1,000 VG Gift Card!

Well, HUNEEEEYYYY! Of course I let little Jaymes onstage and before I know it, he was bringing the Victoria Gardens Rancho Cucamonga House down!!! He even brought another young "Project Style" attendee to share the stage with him (above photo). I got a video of Jaymes doing his AMAZEEENG Michael Jackson dance number and it's at the end of this post...so don't miss it!!!
After such a fun--and impromptu intermission (Thanks Jaymes!), it was time for the "Project Style" Finalists to come back on stage with their new outfits to be judges. All five did an amazing job and I especially liked the variety of styles in each and every one of the contestants. There was Boho Chic , Elegant Business, Going Out "cocktail" and our guy Rashid, gave the audience "Meet-the-Parents Proper Elegant-Sport".

The Style-Off was very close--in fact so close that the judges couldn't decide and it was a TIE!! Between two contestants. So, guess who the Tie-Breaker Judge was? Yep, moi! So, I decided the Winner of the $1,000 VG Gift Card Prize and Project Style 2011 Winner would be...

Needless to say, I had a BLAST hosting "Project Style" at the Victoria Gardens Center in Rancho Cucamonga and especially was very happy with the outcome--as well as with our "Michael Jackson Intermission Dance Number"---Oh and speaking of that...
Click BELOW for a GREAT video from "Project Style Victoria Gardens" Intermission, when I let a VERY TALENTED boy named Jaymes on stage to perform a song by Michael Jackson: