The Antelope Valley BRINGS IT!!!!
Nick and His ManBag: Nick Verreos Arrives at The Antelope Valley Mall, Palmdale CaliforniaLast weekend was my final Hosting of the
"Project Style" Live Style Off events. I've been EVERYWHERE and have met SO many amazing Top Trendsetters--from all over Southern California as well as West Virginia! And not to mention: I've had a BLAST meeting all the fans, families and yes, some future "Project Style" competitors (They should really think of coming up with a "Mini-Me" Project Style for 12 and under!). But I digress, this time, I was off to the
Antelope Valley Mall, in Palmdale to host
"Project Style: Antelope Valley"--the Live Style Off.
Who's That Boy: Nick Verreos, Hosting Project Style: Antelope ValleyThe weather was gorgeous naturally, as I drove about 6o miles north of Los Angeles toward the Mojave Desert. I arrived and got to see the wonderful signage/posters they had throughout the fabulous
Antelope Valley Mall, as well as...

They even framed a photo of me in their "Guest Services" kiosk. I felt, well, VERY Special! (
I "Heart" Antelope Valley Mall!)
Nick Verreos with a future "Project Style"Top Trendsetter--LOVE the knee-high sneakers and multi-colored printed top! Ten out of Ten "Nick Points"
My Palmdale "Posse": Nick Verreos with fans of Karla Deleon (and me now!!)
As always, the rules for the
"Project Style" Live Style Off were simple: In the past five months, Antelope Valley's "Most Fashion-Savvy" went on, submitted videos, and were voted as Finalists of their "rounds" and made it to this Live Style Off. I gave them each $200
Antelope Valley Mall Gift Cards and ONE HOUR to go shopping for a complete new look. They had to shop, style and dress themselves and showcase the results LIVE on the Stage in front of a panel of expert judges from the
Antelope Valley Mall--for a chance to win a $1,000 Gift Card!!!
The Top Five Trendsetters (Left to right) Zoe April Stotz, Amanda Beard (she couldn't be there so her lovely sister modeled and shopped for her), Kimberly Backe, Frank Nadolny, and Karla Deleon--Here they are after they've gone shopping and styled their outfits, getting ready for the live Style Off, in front of A LOT of people:
Finalist Karla Deleon modeling her faux fur vest, blue blouse, shorts, floppy hat, tights and wedge heels, Project Style: Antelope Valley Mall Live Style Off The Top Two Were:
The Boy: Our one male Finalist, 14-year-old Frank Nadolny--I think Frank ROCKED his style--he mixed his love of skateboarding, street and music into his look. I also liked all the colors and polished sense of sporty style. Frank had a bunch of fans in the audience--including his FAB family--but in addition, there were some Cheerleaders from his High School that even did a Cheer for him and Project Style
(scroll down to the end of the blog to see the VIDEO!).
Kimberly Backe: I dubbed her
"Mini Katy Perry" because she looked just like her! She chose a very fashion-savvy-meets-young style for her Live Style Off, combining directional elements as well as traditional Southern California style.
And The Winner Was...Kimberly!!! But let me tell you, Frank was a very close second! And like I said to ALL our Finalists--they are all Winners! I was so excited to see how the Antelope Valley Finalists really BROUGHT IT, in terms of all the eclectic and very diverse styles and especially how AMAZING the audience in the Mall was! I have to say: Antelope Valley ROCKS!!! Hope to see you Next Year!!!!
Click below to watch the HHS Cheerleaders do a little cheer for Frank: