First things first: As we all know (or should know by now!), Project Runway premieres on Lifetime August 20Th (that's just a little over a week from now and I can't wait!). Secondly, we also now know that not only are the designer contestants going to be the "stars", but for the first time ever, so will the models. Last night was the Red Carpet Hollywood Premiere of the much-awaited Quentin Tarantino film, Inglourious Basterds. And guess who was invited: The Models of the Runway!

If you want to check out more of Lisa--and the rest of the models--you can go to the great Lifetime Network Project Runway/Models website and see Lisa's "photo portfolio", some of which include her wearing more of my NIKOLAKI dresses and gowns. She was one of the models featured in my Spring 2009 Look Book and website, along with Season 3 Project Runway Model Amanda Fields. I guess I can pick them well!