Don't make me sick Stella on you!
First- This is MY blog. Mine. I will write about how much I love my husband or any other subject that bothers you as much as I want. If you have a problem... GO AWAY. I can write whatever I want. You do not need to read it.
Second- I do not for one second think I am a model or that I am gorgeous. I post pictures of myself to show what I'm wearing and how I wear it. I realize that I am completely average on a good day so you can stop with the comments about how fat/ugly/unattractive I am. I get it. Though I did get a kick out of the "you look like Lady Gaga, but uglier" comment, and joke about it often with my friends.
Please don't get me wrong- I have no problem with negative comments about outfits or shoes. I expect them and honestly welcome them. I do however take issue with personal attacks on me. It makes you sound envious and honestly, pretty pathetic. Especially when you don't have the balls to leave your name.
I am not cocky about anything but my taste in shoes, which I am obviously proud of. That is what this blog is about. Shoes. So talk all the shit you want about how tacky you think I am or whatever- but stop with the nastiness.
I will from now on delete mean anonymous comments. If you leave a name/url for me to judge you by- I'll go ahead and leave them up.
Ok- rant complete. I love you all so much! Thank you for reading weather you love me or hate me or something in between. It's been over a year now since I started this and I really love writing it.
Your Shoe Girl