I haven't been blogging a lot recently because of a few reasons. I don't flatter myself thinking you guys are all depressed that I'm not posting but I have gotten some tweets and emails asking why... so, I'll be frank.

There are a few reasons. One being that my readership has gone down every month since December so I feel like I'm doing something wrong but don't know what. Some of you say it's cause I'm posting less but that's because I'm busier than ever working on 4 shoe lines at once (I'm the only designer for 2 brands and helping out with 2 others).
You know... I'm just a girl with insecurities and shit and I look at other shoe blogs where they post once a week and just post pictures of themselves and people go ape shit over it.
Ya ya, I'm whining... It's my blog I can wine if I wanna! ;)
Second- I feel like a fat blob. I know that I'm not fat but I've been eating really bad and weigh more than I ever have in my life and you know how it goes when you feel ugly- you don't want pictures of yourself online.
I am NOT fishing for compliments! Again, I'm just being honest because I know I'm not the only person that feels like this sometimes and I know it's nice to hear it from others.
I had to photoshop a fat roll out of my last post (the lollipop one where I'm sitting down) and that kind of threw me in a shame spiral. YES I'm dramatic but you guys are my people so I can tell you this stuff.
So- yesterday I decided to finally get over myself and post some of the most amazing shoes of the season that I am lucky enough to have when I when, oh crap- I hit my toe so hard that I thought I broke it!

I didn't, thank God, but it still hurts too much to walk on without limping. How cool are X-rays!? I love them. I want more to put in my office.
I'll post something good soon though my friends, soon. Maybe you could tell me what you guys want to see more of? I'm curious to know.
Love you all... thanks for listening. Sorry for the pity party.