Well... she was my date to the FFANY and QVC Shoes on Sale event anyway.
My camera was dead and Wendy's was halfway there so we only got ONE picture together in which I look like an over excited weirdo... which I kind of am I suppose.

If you guys think she's cute and sassy on her blog, you should meet her. So much fun and impossibly gorgeous!
Wendy wore this Jean-Charles de Castelbajac motorcycle-zipper dress and vintage motorcycle jacket...

I wore this amazing D&G dress (thanks for the dress loan Amita!!) and my favorite new YSLs, plus the chains I had been wearing all day and my leather jacket.

I laughed when I met Wendy at the bar and we both had our bad ass jackets on. I should have known we were in for a good night. ;)
At the shoe event we rocked out to a loungy version of Gold Digger, ate semi crappy hors d'oeuvres and made fun of bad footwear and old shoe dogs (a term given to men who have worked in the shoe biz for years)
Wendy met my dad and a few other dudes from Titan- all of whom made sure to let me know how pretty they thought my friend was.
Then it was off to Matsuri for some sushi and gossip. We ordered WAY too much... as the Germans say, our eyes were bigger than our stomaches. Hahaha
Good times. I'm very excited for our next adventure together.
And in case you were wondering- I am wearing my bra on my head as I write this post. It's just been one of those weeks so far. Don't believe me? I'll prove it-
