This last weekend, BOXeight, in conjunction with Flaunt Magazine and l.a. models, presented Fashion : Refocus, a weekend of designer installations, live
Spring/Summer 2010 look book photo shoots and overall, nightly fashion "partying".

I was busy all weekend working (no rest for the "designer-wicked") but on Sunday, I opened a little window in my schedule when Alison Nieder, Executive Editor of California Apparel News, emailed and said "You wanna come with me and be my date?" Of course!

On Sunday, four designers, Kucoon, Jerell Scott (Project Runway Alumn), Linda Antico and Michael Costello were having photo shoots in various sets within the BOXeight Downtown Los Angeles "compound".

We walked in and immediately, I was taken aback by these post-apocalyptic exaggerated Mohawk hairstyles on a few of the models walking around. I soon discovered these were designer Jerell Scott's "girls". BOXeight poster boy, the hot Peter Gurnz was photographing Jerell's line and the stage as well as the fashions were, "Giving You!". Peter asked me "Why am I not shooting YOUR line?" I wondered why he didn't call me also? Maybe next time. I guarantee that my gowns and his photos would produce "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR" G-L-A-M-O-U-R kiddies!
Alison and I soon made our way from set to set and stumbled upon Michael Costello, a Palm Springs-based designer whom I met the week before at a Downtown Los Angeles Fashion Week event. A fellow Greek, cute and such a sweet guy, I was "done and done". His set was styled to parallel his Palm Springs Boutique.

All of a sudden I spotted a familiar face--and body--the one and only Tanisha Harper, model from Lifetime Network's Model's Of The Runway. She was one of the models in Michael's BOXeight photo shoot. After a bit of "little girl screaming" (OK, from me!), I let her do her job and pose for the photographer's camera! A couple of Michael's clients were on hand to support: Actress Traci Bingham as well as one of the Real Housewives of Orange County, Tamra Barney. Both were looking VERY bust-a-licious in their Michael Costello cocktail dresses.
Yep, this was my Sunday night in Downtown LA! See you next time kiddies!