...And the Part of Michael Kors Will Be Played By...
Instructor Nick: Nick Verreos sitting with Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia and Kerry WashingtonWhat a whirlwind of a night last night! First, I
hosted a fun OUT Magazine Fall Fashion event at the
Macy's Men's Store in the Beverly Center from 7-9 PM, grabbed some dinner and then rushed home to watch
Project Runway and of course, watch myself as I made a "special appearance" as a Guest Judge. Sitting next to Miss
Heidi Klum is daunting enough---but
Nina Garcia also?? Then they tell me the gorgeous actress--and L'oreal spokesperson--
Kerry Washington was also going to be on hand! Let me tell you, I needed a couple extra tablets of
Pepto Bismol to keep my stomach from making noises that even the designers up there on the runway would hear! Since I WAS there and spent nearly FOUR GRUELING hours of judging, from a real "insider's point of view" as well as a viewer,
Here are my Highlights (and lowlights of course!):
Are We Checking into the Plaza Athenee: Millionaire Arm Candy Looks
--Irina's Millionaire Playboy Arm Candy Uptown Look: I swear that's all I could think about when I saw the model
Kalyn come down the runway: The Camel-colored woolen and fur sweater wrap, the luxe-looking (even though I agree with Nina, it was a bit Michael Levine's Couch Fabric!) tapestry strapless mini dress, the styling. Yes, it all pointed to a former model from Russia who hooked up with an overweight, not-so-cute, but BILLIONARE Playboy.
--Althea's Winning Jodphurs: We all loved this look. Very now, very fresh. The pants were great and that sweater wrap (yes, ANOTHER sweater wrap) was so cozy! This was the same model as above, BUT with no need to have a Billionaire Magnate on her arm. She has already moved on to own her own Model Agency!
Miss Minnesota 2009: Prom Dress Nightmare vs. Christopher's Bed Sheet Gown
--Christopher's Two-For-One Dress: At first glance, I was kinda liking it, as
Katie stomped down the runway, but then--like a Caesar Salad that looks nice but then you begin tasting it and it has a bunch of anchovies--his dress made my face turn from "ah, that's nice" to "Oh dear, minor icky-poos". Nina's observation of a be-draggled bed sheet pretty much summed it up. He should have just ended it at the petals. Done.
Judy After Dark: Judy Jetson Halloween Costumes vs. Logan's zippered collar mini tucked-pouf look
--Everyone's Boyfriend Logan Neitzel Gets Space Age-y: Ahhhh, sad sad sad. I am sure that half the population of America will be giving me dirty looks the next time I am spotted at some random airport, for having a 25% responsibility for booting cutie Logan. I feel bad, trust me. I wish he would have done a better outfit. I know that in the past, stepping out of your comfort zone (or going "out there") is rewarded on Project Runway, but this was the wrong "stepping out". To be honest, I REALLY disliked
Gordana's and might have even scored her lower than Logan's but in the end, his
Judy Jetson meets Background-Dancer-in-a-Cindy-Lauper video look lost.

But I still love me some
Logan. He visited me--along with
Carol Hannah Whitfield (draw your own conclusions kiddies!)--at my Downtown LA
NIKOLAKI studio not to long ago to say "hey!" (see photo above). I gave him a Nick "hey!" hug back. I hear he's moving to New York City! You get 'em Logan!
Click HERE to read my entire recap on myLifetime.com and click HERE for a fun little slide show the good people at Lifetime.com did of some of my designs.