We rely on stores like Nordstrom and Macy's because without big orders, shoes just don't get made. That means that shoes that don't "fit in" at Nordstrom or Macy's don't usually get bought by their buyers.
Well apparently this shoe didn't fit what they think their customer would like. It's the nerdy shoe with a great personality that nobody picks to be on their team in P.E. cause she's not the cheerleader shoe. Don't worry nerdy shoe, the cheerleader shoe will peak early in life and get pregnant her first year of junior college.
Ummm. Ya.
It starts with an idea-

I saw this vintage lucite heel (that is not my wrinkly thumb) and thought it was so pretty and could be very Betsey.
Then, there was this Charlotte Olympia shoe that was such an amazing shape...

Based on these two things, plus the other ideas I had for a group of vintage inspired shoes, I drew a sketch...
I thickened the heel shape and changed the platform a bit. I added a sweet little bow as a maryjane strap.