As my date (David had to stay home and do his Who-Wore-What Live Oscars Red Carpet Blogging for my blog here!), I brought my buddy, Marc Jacobs "L.A. Boy-toy" John Wade. We had a blast hanging out and watching all the awards madness.

The place was packed with people enjoying all the yummy cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. I spotted ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Editon" Landscaping expert Eduardo Xol, who was part of the same Sears Wish-Story Holiday Commercial/Ad Campaign I was a part of.
I was also excited to finally meet fellow Project Runway Alumn (and FIDM Graduate), Johnny Sakalis, of Season 6. He was extremely sweet, considering all the mean things I said about him back when I was doing my recaps for MyLifetime.com. We bonded over--what else--Project Runway, dish on fellow contestants, being Greek (me half) but not speaking it fluently, amongst other things. All in all, I had a blast hanging out with my Project Runway "sisters"!