I've been anticipating the Sex & the City 2 film for a while, as many of you who are reading this. Accompanied by my best friend, I couldn't stop gushing over how much I was loving the film from the time we were viewing it to the moment we left the theatre. To my surprise, the insight I gained does not include fashion. Before some of you fashion loving readers close this tab, the Louboutins and Birkins I marveled at, were obviously like a starved person watching a Carl's Jr. Commercial. However, the less-than-superficial themes are what made this film so appealing to me.
. The photos below are not from there, but are from various parts in the mid east, which include: Jordan, Egypt, & Syria.
*stop reading after the next paragraph if you're super picky about "spoilers" regarding some of the themes*
I would easily turn this post into an essay, but my motives for this blog have always been to remain mostly fashion-oriented, & far from a serious or rather informative tone. But in regards to some bad reviews on the film, perhaps it might be due to the lack of exposure to another society out of NYC? Just saying. Sure, the City part of Sex & the City mostly took place in another country, but the four ladies obviously capture the essence of the City within their character and dialogue. Other than that I don't see why critics would make a big deal out the location. So here are just a few concepts and themes I brainstormed over while watching the film:
Middle Eastern culture vs. NYC /politically incorrect manner = hilarious
Fusion between Middle East & Western societies, multiculturalism, religion
Feminism, sexism
Gender roles, sex roles, identity
traditions, challenging tradition & making it your own
circle of friends with different views on marriage, relationships
the balance between family, motherhood, & a social life
oh and, fashion, sex
& much more
Feel free to start a discussion! What do you think about the movie? xoxo