Hello and happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish friends!

Last night my friend and across-the-street neighbor Gigi hosted a jewelry party at her house, so I decided to pop over and take a peek!

I really loved a lot of
Rachel May's pieces and bought a bracelet and necklace for myself. Hanukkah presents
to me
from me! ;)

Our lovely hostess, Gigi...

The big black monsters...

Yes, I got them (sorry
Sister Wolf) and they are indeed big scary shoes. I think I love them but to be honest, looking at this picture makes me wonder if I'm smoking crack. They're about a size too big but I got them anyway because I'm a total fashion victim I guess. I'm thinking of selling them and getting the right size from my friend who designed them.
Doi. I should have just waited.
Oh well.
On a side note- I met my husband 4 years last night! I love you Benjamin!! Thank you for putting up with my crap and being such a sweetie pie.
(sweater- Mossimo, skirt/tights- American Apparel, headband/necklace- Forever21, shoes- BCBG, Gigi's shoes- Miu Miu)