The first Holiday party of the season was at our amazingly awesome friend Kelley's house, Xanadu. Yes, Kelley and her hubby Kyle have named their home Xanadu. Amazing.
Anyway- it was really fun and some of the evening include but are not limited to:
- Delicious food
- Gay cupcakes
- Gay wardrobe change
- Paper crowns
- Booze
- Good people
- Good times
Lemmie just show you-

Ben and Pedro... after a little change.

Yikes babe. Big thank you Pedro for the lovely underwear modeling.
Ben... no.
I fell over in shock. Ok so I fell off the couch cause my pants were slippery and I had some drinks.

(sweater- BP, pants- American Apparel, boots- Rosegold)
Amazing kick off to some fun holiday parties! Thanks Kyle and Kelly!!