So I have to tell you this because it's straight out of a movie and at least if I make light of it, I can maybe feel a little less scared about the whole situation.
So I guess there was a dispute amongst a few shoe factories that we work with and somehow there was a miscommunication or something and someone thought we owed them money while we thought we payed it... anyway- we get to the office this morning and a few hours later there's a big commotion and a big group of tough looking Chinese dudes with shaved heads show up.
Apparently we were visited by the mafia this morning. NO JOKE. So my dad (the owner of our company) and the Taiwanese guy that runs our Chinese office had a little sit down with them.
Um ya.
So they've been down there all morning and Joanne (my American co-worker) and I are stuck up here scared shitless. I mean, seriously.
The police just showed up about 20 minutes ago. Apparently the police and the mafia do negotiations?
...Just another day in China I guess.