Ok, so I just got home from the Taste of Newport. The food was amazing obviously, but even more amazing was the people watching!! There were SO many cougs it was ridiculous.
For anyone who's not from around here, the Taste is this sort of street fair where lots of local Newport Beach restaurants get together and sell sample portions of their favorite menu items. There's booze and live music and rich dudes. Of COURSE the cougs were out.
So normally when you think street fair you think what? Jeans and some cute but comfortable shoes, ya? Nope. Not in Newps. We saw women with minis and heels, shorts and over-the-knee boots, skinny jeans and sky-high heels. It was amazing. Mostly in bad taste of course, but I did see a woman in these amazing Gucci booties. Go girl.
People watching is definitely one of my favorite things to do. Where's YOUR favorite place to people watch??