My best friend's brother passed away on sunday and since then I've been feeling a little bit like a zombie. He and I were in no means close, but he is family to 3 of the most amazing, loving and big-hearted people I've ever been lucky enough to meet. He is and always will be part of the Contreras family. People that I love like my own.
Brandon Conreras died on 9/7/08 and with him died a part, whether big or small, of everyone who knew him. Brandon had a big presence that you couldn't ignore. Good or bad- people that knew him will always remember him. Athough I didn't know him well, I've heard some stories in the past few days that make me wish I had.
Brandon left behind him a younger sister, my very best friend, Sascha Contreras. Truly one of the worlds biggest brightest personalities. Sascha's infectious smile is hard to ignore, and her personality is impossible not to love.
His mother and father, Mike and Ellen Contreras are two of the kindest most giving people I've met. Mike is the kind of dad that would do anything for his children and even their friends. He's the kind of dad that every kid wants- a strong father and a friend.
Ellen is sweet and loving and gives the biggest warmest hugs! Plus she is top 5 best cooks on Earth, I swear.
The outpouring of love for them has been so evident, as every time I go to their house there is a new group of people there to talk and share their support. I'm so grateful for all of those people. I'm so glad to see how many good people there are and how in times of need, people show that side of themselves even when it may be easier to just stay out of it. I'm glad that the Contreras family is getting back some of the love they they are always putting out. :)
Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience and let you all know what's going on. I'll be back soon but right now I feel like it's a little inappropriate to be talking shit and gushing over shoes. I'm off to China on Friday to work on my H.L. summer collection, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to write then.
All my love,
Celine, the shoe girl.