"Jacket Required"-Trevor Project Fundraiser Neiman Marcus Last week, I received an invitation to an event that intrigued me on two levels. First it was a Fundraiser for
The Trevor Project, a non-profit organization established to promote acceptance of gay and questioning teenagers and to aid in suicide prevention among that group. Whenever I am asked to lend my presence to a respected association that is doing amazing work, particularly for young gay kids, there is no question of whether or not I will attend, of course.

The second item that intrigued me was that there was to be a Fashion Show showcasing the
2006 Fall trends of Menswear--and I had just bought a black
Double Breasted jacket and was looking for just the right event to wear it! And since the title of the event was "Jacket Required", then there was no question what "Uncle Nick" would be sportin'.
A couple of actors, including the very cute
Jesse Garcia and
David W. Ross, stars of the indie hit,
"Quinceanera" ,
were to join me as "special guests" of the event as well as amateur auctioneers of the special auction that would follow the fashion show. The fashion show was great, yet sitting in the audience watching the 6 foot tall, 28-inch waist male models do their "thang", somehow I felt like the biggest cow in the audience; I can understand how women can feel totally inadequate when they see those 5'10" Amazonian , size 2 models sashaying on the runway! I was, however taking some ideas on the styling of the outfits, which was outstanding. The one I will try--and in fact Jesse, David and I poked fun at onstage, was the new trend of wearing boots outside your skinny jeans, or cargo pants. I might look ridiculous, but heck, I'll always try something once, until my friends tell me not to do it again!
All the sweaters, jackets, coats were a little much for the Angeleno crowd, including myself, since here in Los Angeles, we really don't have a "Fall/Winter" season. We just have about two weeks of below 65 degree weather and a bit of rain, and that's it. But even then, it's amusing to see how we dress for our "Fall" season: We still wear the cargo shorts and flip flops, but we now add a sweater or a zip-up hoodie/track jacket to the outfit. Southern California is the capital of casual, for good and bad.

My favorite part of the evening was auctioning 7 high-end denim jeans to benefit the
Trevor Project. Out came 4 shirtless models and I suddenly became the ringmaster of his male pulcritude show! The opening bid, was about $300 and (sit down for this one!), I got it up to $1700!!! I have to say that was the highlight of the event. The only downside to the evening (for me), was that I was so busy auctioning, introducing and "workin" the event, that I didn't get to finish my dinner--I took two bites, and then it was taken away from me, as I was whisked onto the stage. When we left, I told David to take me to
"Jack In the Box" --A very "unfashionable" ending to such a fashionable and rather high-brow event!