When I arrived , I greeted Andrae, looking very "Resort 2007" , in flip-flops, a short-sleeved shirt and casual pants. He looked so cute ,likehe was about to board a Gay Cruise. I, on the other hand, was "giving" Professor Verreos, with my Zara shirt and skinny tie. When Jody walked in, with her lovely mother and daughter, I just had to say "hello".
I whispered in her ear something about what she thought of people wanting us to sign CD's or DVD's without writing "To (fill in the name)". We both screamed "EBAY!!!" at the same time. Instantly we became "BFF's". Jody is an icon and looked every part. Even though she was extremely nice, funny and very warm and friendly, she was still every minute a DIVA. And it turns out that her, her mom and daughter were huge PR season 2 fans. Love them even more!!
A lot of shoppers and fans alike came by and we chatted about our experience on the show, we dished about Season 3.