NPR--National Public Radio , asked me, as well as several Project Runway designers, to submit some Halloween costume ideas for their story on NPR.org. They asked for a costume idea for "Adults" and one for "Children". I jumped at this invitation, since I am a big fan and supporter of National Public Radio and I love to sketch so I wanted to show them what my ideas would be for Halloween.
Initially I wanted to draw Madonna in a Malawi costume with her new child, but thought that might be a bit controversial! Instead I chose to sketch "Flavor Flav" and his "lady-friend", "New York". The idea came to me because earlier in the week, I accompanied Andrae to the "Reality Remix Awards" in Hollywood. He was nominated, and won (of course) for "Best Crying Scene of 2006". It was a mess of an event with all those "reality show" stars, and I use the term loosely, from shows such as "Amazing Race", "Survivor" and "Meet The Carters". "Flavor Flav" and "New York" were there and I instantly thought "Oh, there's going be a lot of people dressing up as them for Halloween".
The thought was in my mind when I put pencil to paper and then sketched my idea for "Adult" costumes. I think they turned out quite fun!

Click HERE to see the entire NPR article and all the sketches from the other Project Runway designers.