Chicago Gets Fashionably Windy!!!
Last weekend I had the FABULOUS opportunity--and pleasure--of flying to Chicago to host a Macy's "Putting It All Together" fashion event at the historic--and iconic--Macy's on State Street, the second largest department store IN THE WORLD, in the historic Marshall Fields building!

After checking into the wonderfully chic theWit Downtown Chicago Boutique Hotel, I got some dinner at the hotel's "State and Lake" Restaurant (I had one of the most DELICIOUS Steak Frites I have EVER had btw!), and even met up with a friend in "Boys Town" (naturally) for some "Welcome To Chicago" cocktails. Soon, it was time for me to head back to the hotel and get some rest for my event the following day.

The immensity and elegance of it all. The architecture of the building was incredible. It reminded me of a combination between Galleries Lafayette as well as maybe the Paris Opera House! I almost forgot it was a department store. In addition, they were having their annual Macy's Flower Show, which goes on until April 10th so I was excited to be there just in time to see it!

I capped off my quick tour by going to the historic Walnut Room on the 7th Floor (just above that aforementioned Tiffany Dome Ceiling). But then, it was time to get ready to host my "Putting It All Together" event. I asked the Special Event Directors and the Store Manager if they'd mind if I did a little "Shout Out and Mention" on the intercom about the event, in order to remind shoppers to come! And for the FIRST TIME EVER--or so they told me--they allowed someone other than their official intercom event announcer to yes, go ahead and speak! And so I did!!! (Love you Macy's on State!).

Well, I guess, that helped a little bit, because upon arriving, the entire Macy's Impulse Department was FILLED with shoppers, tourists, lots of Mommies and their daughters--some sons too!--as well as some Project Runway fans (I "Heart" you!). I was SOOOO excited to do my event!
As you may know, "Putting It Together" is an in-store event/fashion show/contest where I chose people from the audience, they get two minutes to style models--using Macy's Spring fashion & accessories that are on nearby racks and tables--for special "challenges" which I pre-selected; such as "Having brunch with your girlfriends" or "Dressing for a Night Out", etc.

The models then change and are brought back out and the audience votes (by hootin' and hollerin') whose outfit was best. The winner gets a $100 Macy's Gift Card while the Runner-Up got a $25 Card. I had such a BLAST doing the event. The entire audience got really into it, which was great!

There were so many cute little girls--all fashion'ed out--that at one point, I called them all up on stage and did an impromptu "Macy's 'Putting It Together' Walk Off"! I think the young ladies--and their mommies--LOVED that! And for a rare moment---I chose A BOY!!! Yes, a be one of the "contestant/stylists" for one of the challenges. Usually, since the challenges run in the vain of "How would you dress for a Girls Night Out" , (and it's only women's clothing and accessories to chose from) I usually pick women to be the contestants...but I wanted to change it up a bit.

Bye Windy City...for now!
Click HERE for a fun video and clips for the entire event from