photos via google, of course
While the film depicts a typical "girl meets boy, boy likes girl" storyline, Pretty in Pink (1986) by John Hughes is an instant 80's classic for me. The girl in me can't help but love Molly Ringwald's persona, Andie, who endures teenage struggles revolving around prom & boys. Although the thrifted pink dress she designs for prom is well, hideous, I see it as a breakout point on conquering her fears of rejection and indifference amongst her wealthier peers. Showing up to prom with a self-made dress was Andie's statement of being comfortable with her individuality and in essence, her style.
*similar photo/refelction post on Breafkast at Tiffany's, here
& Pretty Women, here
Steff: I've been out with a lot of girls at this school. I don't see what makes you so different.
Andie: I have some taste.
“Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.”
- Cecil Beaton