Babushkas Loves Sequins!
Figure Skating Fever: If you've been keeping up with my blog here, you might know that I have been covering the Costume "Hot's" and "Not's" for for this season's Grand Prix series.

Where Are My Castanets: I think Ashley’s Long Program costume is a step in the right direction. She always looks elegant and regal and I think this more traditional style suits her skating better. Although a bit fussy for my taste (not a fan of the ruffled “rickety-rack” trim that looks as if it came from JoAnn’s Fabric Store), the strapless effect of the dress and the beautiful Ombre-dyed skirt enhance her beautiful skating.
And the Award For “Much Improved” Goes To: I think this is a big improvement from the costume Akiko wore at Cup of China. It is more sophisticated and reflective of what is happening in fashion now; the asymmetry of the neckline, the diagonal ruffles, the contrast edging, the rosette details. The previous costume looked juvenile and meant more for a Junior Skater. She went from 15 to 25 in ONE beautiful Costume!
The "Why Bother"...
Beat It: Czech boy-wonder Verner changed up his costume by going from a blue shirt to a black shirt (boy, that was a STRETCH!). While I understand that he is simplifying everything this year, I think this is taking things a step too far. He went from looking like he worked on the Lido Deck to becoming a student at the Marcel Marceau School of Mime!
And Then...

Russia's Mysliveckova and Novak skated to music that included--among others--an African-American Spiritual Song, ABBA and well, everything in between. The soundtrack was a potpourri of a MESS and what did I think of their corresponding costumes?
Click HERE to read what I really thought plus view all my comments from the Cup of Russia Grand Prix of Figure Skating.
Click HERE to read what I really thought plus view all my comments from the Cup of Russia Grand Prix of Figure Skating.