Jayde Nicole, Playboy Playmate of the Year 2008

Emily & I

paparazzi tryna' make us pose ;)

Lynne Curtis from the Real Housewives of OC
playmates & models
Lynn & Jayde

I'm wearing a black lace top, H&M faux leather pants & leopard clutch*
It's rather appropriate to get Playboy Bunny, Jayde Nicole to host & model Beach Bunny Swimwear. The sexy venue took place at the LA hotspot, the Colony, & it was a full house of fashion savy girls, very-very happy & googly-eyed guys, & beach bunnies. Emily from StilettoBeats & I had some good times admiring The swimwear, which had everything from lace, to metallic bandage styles. You might have passed by the Beach Bunny Swimwear boutique on Robertson blvd. along with the big campaign modeled by the Kardashian sisters. I was also able to meet Lynne, from the guilty-pleasure reality show, the Real Housewives of OC. We had a little chat about her Lynne Curtin Designs jewelry she provided for the fashion show, and was oh so sweet. I loved the cuffed bracelets the models were rocking, from her line. After the show, was the party, as Chanel from MTV's Fantasy Factory DJ-ed some awesome music. Jayde's ex, Brody Jenner, should be jealous, because the playboy bunny looked as amazing as ever !