The product that I thought would be the most useful for me were their Flats to Go. They're super easy to stuff in even the smallest handbags and are a total life saver when you need them. They're a no-brainer and I wish I would have thought of them first!
I had them with me in my bag at all times during Fashion Week in New York in case of a shoe-mergency.
(image piedolatrie)
Princess Poochie and I both slipped ours on after the Betsey Johnson show on our way to the Stacy Lomman show. It was raining and we both felt like our feet were getting a bit soggy in them but they survived and they saved my precious Spine Heels from the wet streets.
I think they should add these to women's restrooms at bars. Like, they should have a machine that has tampons, lip gloss, and disposable flats. Genius if I do say so my self. And I do. ;)
The product that sort of caught me off guard though were these Super Low Cut Foot Covers. Um... AMAZING. I am not exaggerating ladies. I will be wearing these with everything this Fall. They are a new ShoeGirl staple.
I almost overlooked them in my package of goodies they sent but when I was packing for New York I grabbed them just in case.
I usually use regular ped socks when I wear boots or any kind of lace up shoe but I have these pink oxfords that are low cut and a regular ped would show. So, I tried these out and I will never look back. They have padding on the ball of the foot and even more importantly, in the back... you know, where you usually get blisters from shoes rubbing if you walk too long? Not any more. And they're thin like tights so they don't make your shoe feel smaller. They're low cut enough that you can wear them with pumps if you want too!! They're total pedicure savers too which is a great bonus. I hate when I get pedis in the Fall and then wear a closed toe shoe that chips off my polish!
I love love love these and think you should check them out. You can find theme here at or on Amazon.

I almost overlooked them in my package of goodies they sent but when I was packing for New York I grabbed them just in case.

I love love love these and think you should check them out. You can find theme here at or on Amazon.