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If you've been following up on my blog for a while, you've probably noticed Audrey Hepburn's photos included in my posts. She is my idol. I believe that most people appreciate both this book and film because there is a little "Holly Golightly" in all of us. She's an indecisive dreamer who wants the luxuries in life, but has yet to fulfill the basic essence: who am I ? I myself share certain characteristics as Holly, because of certain locations and rituals where I can take comfort by disengaging in reality. For Holly, that place was Tiffany's. She explains to Paul, her love interest, "Well, when I get it, the only thing that does any good is to jump in a cab and go to Tiffany's. Calms me down right away. The quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there. If I could find a real-life place that'd make me feel like Tiffany's, then - then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name!" (1960). By "it", she's referring to the mean reds, as the feeling of being distressed and afraid, but not knowing why. In response, Holly isolates her flawed self in the luxurious and iconic Tiffany's & Co. surrounded by flawless jewelry. By the end of the film, Paul confronts her detrimental escapade, saying, "Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself." This very profound statement helped Holly reach her epiphany, and at the same time gave me personal insight. It's okay to distract yourself from certain situations, as long as your mindset is congruent with your reality.
Enjoy these still photos from one of my favorite films, Breakfast at Tiffany's.
xo Maria