Ahhhhh it's good to be home and out of the heat and humidity of China! I got all my work done and I'm really glad to be outta there, especially since it hadn't even been a month since my last trip!
Last night Ben and I went to see BrĂ¼no and I left with my cheeks hurting and my stomach feeling not so good. Cheeks hurting from laughing so hard and stomach turning from all the full frontal male shit and inappropriate humor. I hoped that he would have more jokes to play on the fashion world, but was bummed to see that there were only a few. I loved how Borat poked fun at middle America and wish that Bruno did the same to knock some high and mighty fashionistas down a peg or two.
Ben's favorite moment was the anatomically correct pink knit outfit he wore... just see the movie and you'll know what I mean.
Anyway- I meant to blog about this before but was RUDELY interrupted by my job sending me away, and now I'm too late- but here it is anyway. Kitson had a whole window for Harajuku Lovers including (YAY) the footwear, which they do not carry. Weird, yes. But hey, it completed the look of the window display and got people asking about the shoes. :)

It's good to be home and back to blogging!