Well ladies and germs... if it seems too good to be true, it almost always is. Yep. Your momma was right! *snap snap*
I'm sorry to break the news but sites like madpurchasebay and louboutinbox are full of shit. Yes. They are FAKE. I'm not sure why they don't get shut down. You'd think that the people over at Louboutin, YSL, Jimmy Choo, etc would have a better legal team on top of stopping knock offs. It seems to be getting out of hand as of late. Google adds are the worst because they don't censor stuff like this and they end up on reputable people's blogs! I had to remove my adds because I noticed sites like these that I refuse to endorse.
Some good rules of thumb when looking for deals on authentic Louboutins are:
-Never buy from websites that look as low-buge as these do. I mean, the first one stole a picture of me wearing my glitter shoes and put it on their front page. haha.
- If they ship from Hong Kong or China, it's almost always fake.
-If it's not a reputable online store (ie: Barneys, Saks, Neimans, Browns, etc) don't chance it!
-If it's on ebay and you're not sure- make sure they guarantee authenticity before you buy. And again... if they're shipping from Hong Kong... it's probably fake.
For me, I can usually look at a picture (if they aren't using a photo from someone's REAL shoes and swapping them out on you) and tell if they are fake. The color is off or the shape looks wrong. These shoes are probably not real leather either, and in person will look like total garbage. I realize that most people aren't as shoe crazy as I am so they don't see the subtle differences.
Just take notice if the website uses photos like this:
Pretty lame, right? What kind of legit website would do that? That's one dead giveaway.
You will also see a scary difference in quality if you decide to purchase shoes from these type of stores.
This real shoe:

The reason I wanted to write about this is because it really pisses me off that people do stuff like this. They should at least admit what they are- knockoffs. I believe that selling a product and claiming that the shoes are authentic is like stealing your money. And though these seem inexpensive, at the end of the day 120something dollars is still a lot of money.
My problem isn't with buying fakes to be honest. If you work your ass off and refuse to spend your hard earned cash on $700+ shoes... you're smarter than I my friend. It's your right to look how you want and wear what you want. My HUGE problem is with the lie.
I don't like when people trick my friends and you are all my dearest ones. So please feel free to forward this post to any of your friends who have mentioned these types of sites. Also feel free to repost to your blogs (link me of course) and help spread the word.
Your Fighter in Shoe Crime-
***UPDATE*** Please check out THIS article for more reasons not to buy from these sites! Toxic chemicals and child labor!