I'm back! I'm really bad with jetlag and feel like I'm in a fog. It usually lasts about a week and it sucks. Impossible to get out of bed in the morning and equally difficult to fall asleep at night. Last night I tossed and turned until about 4am :(
I'm forcing myself to get up and out of the house. I need to start researching for my NEW SURPRISE line ;)
I'm feeling terribly overwhelmed with the prospect of taking on said line, but I'm also really excited!! I can't wait to tell you guys what it is. It's super legit and a HUGE step for me.
I will of course continue to do Harajuku Lovers, which is what I was just doing in China. Those shoes are getting more and more fun to do. We just made some super adorable pre-fall shoes :)
I was supposed to be able to tell you the official news tomorrow but the powers that be changed the board meeting (which will make it official) to the 10th... so hang in there. ha ha.