Last night, David and I trekked it ALL THE WAY from our "bat cave" in Downtown LA to West Hollywood to join my Hawaiian sister, the gorgeous former Miss Universe, Brook Lee at the Marriage Equality March.
In case you were in your own cave and didn't hear, the California Supreme Court decided to uphold the ban on same sex marriage and within hours a protest march was organized. I was invited to join in by the NO H8 Campaign founders, photographer Adam Bouska and his partner Jeff Parshley who sent out a "mass email" to come and march.
We arrived into West Hollywood and met up with Brook at our "meeting point", the Santa Monica Blvd. restaurant and bar, Fiesta Cantina. I spotted actress Drew Barrymore, and said "hello". Before I could even finish my hugs and kisses, the No H8 Campaign "march organizers" were just walking out of the bar/restaurant, along with former Miss USA (and No H8 supporter) Shanna Moakler, Miss California USA pageant director Keith Lewis, and celeb blogger Perez Hilton.
The only reason we knew is because we immediately saw the photographers go crazy and realized A) It's either Britney coming out of Fiesta Cantina (Nope) or B) The Miss California/Miss USA brigade must be making their exit (Yes).

Along with Brook, I was happy to see the ever-so-fabulous Amy Hill, actress from "All American Girl", "That's So Raven" and so much more. She's Brook's very good friend and was there to march--along with her daughter Penelope. The five of us made our way to the "Starting Gate" of the March and listened to LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, "Star Trek" actor George Takei as well as other notables give wonderful "Go Get 'Em!" speeches.
All of sudden, from behind us came a shuffle and a push, and before we could slap someone for being rude, out from the crowd came comedian Kathy Griffin pushing her mom Maggie on her wheelchair--as well as her assistant, photographers and cameramen in tow. Miss Kathy never misses a good "press op", especially when it involves supporting "her gays"!
Thanks Brook, Amy and Penelope for the serene and funny company and for adding to what became a powerful night!
Click HERE for "Access Hollywood's" take on the "celeb factor" of the March and the night.
And below is the latest PSA/Public Service Announcement from the No H8 Campaign, which incidentally features Amy Hill and her daughter Penelope, as well as Brook Lee and her son Fynnegan: