...cut to 4 1/2 hours later. Our feet were killing us, we hadn't eaten all day (besides the pure sugar "cakes" they passed out) and we were getting cranky. We tried to make light of it and made fun of the situation. We definitely kept ourselves entertained.
The women in line with us were super great also, so that helped. We had an adorable mom of 2 next to us, and her twin girls were SO well behaved, it was crazy. Behind her was a mom with a baby... a BABY... that never cried once. They must be future shoe girls.
Christian Louboutin was amazing. He spent time with every single person in line (which explains the 4.5 hour wait) talking and taking pictures. He really was a great sport. I hear some people even waited for close to 8 hours!!
2 of my gorgeous bloggers were there! That was a nice surprise. :)
This is me and reader Mika! She said she recognized me by my shoes and blonde hair. So cute.

About halfway through waiting I got bored and decided to buy these amazing new bright yellow pumps. SO cute!
I wore my new "sexy ice creams" to the signing, so you can imagine the pain I was feeling. Ouch, but so worth it.
Me and my new BFF. We totally match. ;)
The day was crazy and hectic and totally fun. I was glad to get home and off my feet though!