I LOVE these Balenciaga boots. LOVE. My husband on the other hand, hates them. He says they're a little too "urban" for my style. I think he's confusing them with the Manolo version Jennifer Lopez wore back in her Jenny from the block days?
True, I may not love them as much if they weren't Balenciaga (hey- at least I'm being honest. Shallow, but honest.) but they are and I do. Anyway, I got them over a year ago and have worn them a total of 3 times. I hate to make them feel unappreciated.
They are however, super uncomfortable. They are probably a full size too small because they pinch my toes and are threatening to cut off my ankles via my achilles tendon. Ya.
I'm considering it my punishment for missing out on those Stella's. *frickin idiot!*
On a side note- I do apologize for the messy condition our house is in. If I were you I'd be annoyed. Those boxes need to be put in storage asap!