Well guess what- that's what just happened and I'm very annoyed with myself.
These Stella McCartney wedges, though old news, are amazing and I should have realized that I loved them much sooner. Now, it's too late. I looked all over the internet for them to no avail. Boo hoo hoo. Well, I did find them at barneys.com, but only in a size 10, as you can see.

Which, in my opinion, is worse than finding it in my size. And you know what really sucks... I totally tried them on in Hong Kong- ON SALE- and I still was unsure. When and WHY did I decide to love them? "Fate is not an eagle, it creeps like a rat."
I will now proceed to stomp around the house pouting and lashing out at inanimate objects all day.
If you or someone you know wants to sell their 8.5 s... you know where to find me.