Anyway- then it was off to Kress, which much to our shagrin, was hosting an Affliction party. Barf. If you don't know what that means, consider yourself below the douche bag radar. Don't bother Googling it.
So yea- this post is chock full of pics with lots of fun details. Check it out-
Would you believe I spent like 5 hours carefully ripping this shirt? I blame Carbon Couture for giving me the idea! (though hers is waaaaay radder)
So these are my tranny hooker shoes. I love them and Jak and Jil blog inspired me to bust them out again. It's rare to have an occasion to wear them and not look insane.
(shoes- Giuseppe Zanotti, leggings- American Apparel, shirt and coat- Forever 21, scarf- Alexander McQueen, bangles- Burberry and forever 21)
*** NEW PHOTO***
Just wanted to add this pic cause it shws my shoes a little better. haha