Are we friends?
Do you love me but hate buying me gifts 'cause I am so dang hard to buy for? Do you want to celebrate my diverse heritage by giving me both a Chritsmas and a Hanukkah gift? Well, thank you. Let me help you out since I'm sitting here in China and have niente to do.
Ho Hum... this is what I am lusting after.
this blythe doll or THIS one or THIS one (though if you must, go to ebay so you don't get ass raped by those prices)
THEEEEESE shoes!! (8 1/2 please) **NEVERMIND. Pamela Anderson ruined this shoe for me.
Chanel skis? Sure, I'll take those.
YOU, following my blog. Awee.
And that is all for now. I don't want much I suppose. ;)
Also, please check out Chrismuhkkah.com cause it's great. I love the "Jewish" christmas songs. I really like "meshugga beach party". Oy!
ok, so I also found:
These adorable slippers (for indoor use only)
And my wacky hair post reminded me of THIS AWESOME STRAIGHTENER that I reeeeally want badly!
K? K.