Blake Lively posed as Cleopatra while Martha Stewart was dressed as Medusa.

Heidi Klum hosted her annual Halloween party with a Hindu-god costume.

Mariah Carey and her husband, Nick Cannon dressed as a chocolate chip cookie and a carton of milk then as a fireman and firewoman at a Halloween bash they hosted at N.Y.C. hot spot Marquee.

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag celebrated Halloween as a convict and sexy cop officer.

Brooke Shields as black cat brought her daughters to the Dream Halloween event.

Kim Kardashian was the Wonder Woman at her Los Angeles masquerade bash.

Rachael Ray as Ann Darrow, while her husband John Cusimano was dressed up in a Kingkong outfit.

On Friday's The View, the cast dressed as former U.S. Presidents: Whoopi Goldberg was Franklin D. Roosevelt; Joy Behar, Theodore Roosevelt; Sherri Shepherd, Abraham Lincoln; and Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Ronald Reagan.

As part of "Live's Star-Studded Halloween," hosts Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa dressed as Hannah Montana and one of the Jonas Brothers.

Tori Spelling and husband Dean McDermott attended a trick or treat party with their son.

Jennifer Garner and daughter, Violet, were dressed up as Fred and Ted the dog.
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