Dude... you guys, seriously.
I've been in NY for the past week and I had an amazing time! I went there for my shoe show (which BTW, means I can post pics of my shoes finally!) and I usually stay in Manhattan in some hotel close to the showroom... but this time I stayed with my friend Ana in Brooklyn (Williamsburg) and I had a freaking BLAST! Brooklyn is so much younger/cooler/fun than the city. I totally fell in love with NY. The shopping was fun and I saw a lot of rad things. I also drank more iced coffee than I've ever had. haha
Ana (Jill Stuart designer) introduced me to a couple of her shoe designer friends. It was so fun hanging out with other shoe designers, since I don't really know any around here. They were really cool chicks and it was so rad to hang out and have dinner and just shoot the shit about shoes and our crazy trips to China and all that stuff.
ANYWAY... here's a little collage of a few of my Harajuku shoes. I hope you guys like. As you can probably tell by the fact that i never post my own designs, I'm a little shy or something about it. I dunno. Anyway- here they are. Enjoy.