So you all know about my China trip, and how I went there to make samples for my JLO and Harajuku Lovers collections. I was there for 2 weeks and then came home to rest for a week before going off to Paris for another week. I was then supposed to fly from Paris BACK to China to check on the HL samples to make sure they are perfect, since its a launch collection.
The reason I went to Paris was for my cousin's wedding, funny enough, to a girl named Celine. haha
Anyway, so I was there with my parents and my dad and I started talking about my trip to China, which I was of course NOT excited about. He told me that since ticket prices are so crazy right now my ticket was $3500.00!! So I was like- um... that's a ridiculous amount to pay for me to go check my samples for 3 days. He agreed, trip cancelled. (YIPPEE!!!!!)
We have a really talented designer that lives in China that used to design Betsey Johnson and Betseyville for us and now he's there to oversee all the designers, so I asked him to keep an eye on my samples for me. Keep your fingers crossed! I'm super excited and nervous to see my samples!!! We have an approval with Gwen's next Friday so I'll know then how they turned out. I'm going to the airport to pick up the samples, then it's straight to Gwen's house! That makes me a little nervous to not have time to sit with the samples first, but... c'est la vie!
So, Paris was cool. The weather sucked for being July, and believe it or not, I didn't shop!! I didn't but ONE thing. Everything is super expensive right now with the dollar sucking so hard. :( My aunt, who's a professional money spender, asked me why I didn't want to at least go look at stores. I explained to her that it would be the same as taking a starving child to a deli to just look around and smell things.
No thanks.
While eating though, I did enjoy the street style. Those Parisians sure have a way of looking fabulous. It looks so effortless too. Those skinny French bitches! ;)