So my friend and blog reader "d" sent me this link and I wanted to share it with you cause I think it's pretty funny. Check out this
Craigslist Listing and let me know what you think.
It says:
"WELL i used to own a store in hollywood and sold these shoes there but i had to close down soim trying to sell these. i had some authentic ones but i sold out so i only have these MIRROR IMAGE CHRISTIAN LOBOUTINS..they are NOT replica cuz replicas arent as good as mirror image. they are EXACTLY like the real ones..NO DIFFERENCE!! just look at the grogeous pics...the shoes range from 200-215.. i have size 6-9 including half size ONLY!! so hurry!!! I can do wholesale too...if intrested email me OR CALL 323 603-1991 OR TEXT!! these wont last!! thanks!!! P,S: I SOLD THESE MIRROR IMAGE ONES IN MY STORE FOR $300-350 SO URE GETTING DEAL!"
First off... I like her creativity, but I'm sorry; a knock off is a knock off is a knock off. Calling it a "mirror image" doesn't change that. That said, these shoes do look great. I tried finding out who manufactured them, but she wont say. I'd be curious to know, because they even copied the boxes- which makes me think that they are made in China.
Anyway- if you're interested check it out. I won't support knock-offs like this but far be it from me to keep YOU from doing it. ;)
On a side note: if you guys ever come across anything you'd like me to blog about please feel free to send over an email! Thanks :)