Doughnuts, In-n-Out Burgers, Desserts Galore, Open Bars...and LOTS o' Taxi's!!!
Yes kids, it's the Holiday Season, and that means one thing here in LA-LA land: Holiday Parties!!! This last week, I got invited to the E! Entertainment Holiday Bash--for the FIRST TIME! I brought along my NIKOLAKI partner David Paul with me naturally. The party was being held in Westwood near my old "stompin' grounds": UCLA. I attended the University of California, Los Angeles and got my B.A. in (wait for it!) Political Science/International Relations many, many moons ago, before I went on to pursue my real love: FASHION!

As you may know, I have been on E! several times, including the time I did the Pre-Oscar Show with then on-air personality Debbie Matenopulos as well as (Wait For It Part Two!), La Kim Kardashian. I've also recently been filming episodes of Style Network's "Style Star", a show about celebs and their fashion style. In fact, I just found out that "Style Star" is airing on E! International and will begin airing domestically on the Style Network in early 2011!! To make a long story executive from the show was kind enough to invite me to the E! Holiday Party (Yeayyy!!!).
Once I got done with the In-N-Out burgers and the doughnuts, I began really enjoying myself. I did not see Miss Kim K. or Chelsea Handler or Ryan Seacrest, but...I did run into my Project Runway "sister", the lovely and very stylish Kit Scarbo (as you can see from the photo at the beginning of this post).

I had an amazing time, but soon enough, it was time to go, and as David and I made our way out, we spotted many, many Taxi Cabs waiting...Oh did I mention: E! made sure to give out Taxi Cab Vouchers so people could get home safely...I know, they think of EVERYTHING! These people really know how to throw a Holiday Party!
Happy Holidays Y'all!