So of course, I had to show up--gift in tow (Olive-based beauty products) of course (never come empty handed!). Amara was working a strapless bubblegum pink bustier and the most Olivia Newton-John "Grease" stretch skinny pants I have ever seen. They fit her PERFECTLY, by the way. Lucky her!

I have known Miss Amara for over 8 years, ever since I picked her at a runway show casting. She had just arrived back from Paris and was on her way to making a name for herself here on the West Coast. Ever since then, she has "stuck with me" for life! Not only did she become my fit model--or as I called her "My House Model/Muse", she opened and/or closed a lot of my shows--including my first Smashbox Los Angeles Fashion Week show back in 2003.

Amara now runs a fabulous little vintage store in Echo Park (Los Angeles), where she collects and sells the best 70's jersey wrap dresses, printed caftans that would make Mrs. Roper blush; as well as Lacroix-worthy cropped bolero jackets. Haute Olive, by the way, also carries Menswear, ranging from Member's Only jackets, Vintage Tees to Western Shirts that both a Silverlake hipster or a Oil Can Harry's line dancin' boy would love.

Just when you think that you've been to every vintage store this side of the Mississippi, think again: You must check out Haute Olive! Happy Birthday Miss Amara! And keep working those Olivia Newton-John skinny pants! Love ya!