Obama must have read my blog yesterday 'cause his crazy helicopters flew right over my bikini clad ass.
Oh mister president... you little silver fox you! I'm on to you buddy.
Anyhow- today's another warm day. My favorite kind of day. Another F21 outfit. Yes I'm obsessed. So what?
These were my very first pair of Louboutins btw. They're about 4 years old and I still live them. I remember saving for them and thinking that they were so high! Pfffft. HELLO Celine of the past... stop being a dork!
You guys... I have curly hair. Secret's out. I never wear it curly because, well, I'm a girl and us girls are really good at wanting the opposite of what we have, right? I mean, WHY would you get a perm if you are lucky enough to have straight hair? I will never understand.