'cause you know I'm not posting tomorrow. I'll be too busy pigging out on BBQ.
So I got a question from an anonymous blog reader about how many pairs of shoes I own. So I decided to answer in a post.
anonymous said...
Just curious, how many pairs of shoes do you own?
I'm sure your collection surpasses mine by millions lol!

Ok, so my answer is that I'm not sure. The last time I counted was over a year ago and I was at about 200. I've moved since then and have a few (6-7) large boxes filled with shoes with fates waiting to be determined. Do I keep them? Do I give them to those who could give them a better life? Those who would love and appreciate them more than I could?
I'm thinking of selling them. Most of them anyway. I have too many, if there is such a thing. That picture up top is of my old shoe closet in my condo, before I was married. It was 300 sq ft. of shoes. I was no Imelda Marcos, but it was amazing. Now, there's a lot less room and it's time to make some sacrifices.
Anyway, when I decide to put them up I'll let you all have first dibs. I'm an 8 1/2, sometimes 9. I've got some goodies. ;)