Anyway. Total hideosity. When I think of Givenchy I think of sexy, fashion forward footwear. Um... not so much with these things.
First off, I hate jellies whether or not they are a kick ass designer brand. They need to go away. They look like some manly shower shoes that escaped from some gay men's day spa. I don't see how these are supposed to be fashionable. Am I alone here?? US Weekly featured them as one of their favorites, though what the hell do they know about fashion? They should stick to celeb gossip, which they DO know about. ;) Apparently fashion know-it-all's Cameron Diaz, Kirsten Dunst, and Ashley Olsen are fans of the shoe. Another thing they have in common may be fashion stylist Rachel Zoe? I could be wrong. I digress.
The point is I'm not a fan. I think I've made that clear. Any arguments? Along with the black seen here, they also come in a shitteous pink color- both available at Barneys for a mere $165. A certain shoe blog, which will remain nameless, is reporting that these are "cute". Yea, sure. And so were those Nine West clogs they were lusting after last week. HA! Maybe I should re-name myself the shoe blog snob?