Just got back from Heidi Klum's fabulous Halloween party at Green Door in the heart of Hollywood and , needless to say, it was CRAZY! I dressed up as an 18TH Century FOP--like Marie Antoinette's best gay friend. After driving ONE HOUR from my Downtown LA Loft to Hollywood (usually it takes twenty minutes), I finally made it to Hollywood. After reaching the Green Door , I did some of my Heidi's Halloween "red carpet" dishing and I made my way inside the club.

Did I add the fact that Miss Britney Spears was there too? All in her heart-shaped sunglasses and all. She caused quite a stir at the club, let me tell you. Heidi was at the VIP lounge and Britney was near the bar sitting in a separate part of the club. Wanna bet both parties met up? Gimme More....
Yep, you know they did! And I will tell you next time what happened... Happy Halloween y'all!