It's that time again,
Graduation time. The Spring Quarter ended a couple of weeks ago at the
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, where I am an Instructor, and I for one, was very happy. I had a full load of SIX classes and over 120 students' papers, patterns and final presentations to grade--on top of my already extra full schedule. Needless to say, I was pooped!

I was asked by the
Fashion Department Chair to attend the
2007 Graduation, as a "Special Guest", which means that once again I would be sitting on the stage with all the illustrious department chairs , honorees, president of the school, and so on. I was invited last year to do so and I was very honored then, as well as now. I was also asked to give a speech and announce the
Outstanding Fashion Design Student Award. It was a very hot Saturday morning but thank God, we VIP'ers stayed cool under the famed Greek Theater's roof (and in
my fabulous Seersucker cotton jacket!).

The crowd of about 2000 graduating kids and families went crazy when I was announced. (Hello, I felt like
Kelly Clarkson all over again!) and I nervously did my speech, gave the award and did a meet-and-greet with former students as well as their families.

It was a nostalgic event for me, since I had taught a lot of this year's graduating class and had seen these students mature and progress into outstanding young adults I was very proud of. I especially have fun memories of "my kids" from my
Collection Development class from several quarters ago. It was one of the best groups I had: Talented, driven and very creative. Exactly what
FIDM should be honored to call "their own".