This week has been a bit crazy for me, especially at school. There are two weeks left with the Fall Quarter and the students are turning in the final homework, presentations, assignments, finished draped garments, etc. This is also the time when those not-so-good students try for a last-ditch effort to "make-up" work, turn in late Homework, and generally kiss up to me, and plead that they are not irresponsible and just had "way too much to do" this Quarter (wait until you get to the "real world" huney!). These are always the ones that come back to me at the end of the Quarter and wonder why they received D's or F's. I wonder why? It never seizes to amaze me that they even have, as we say in Spanish, the COJONES, to ask.
But , thanks to the Dior and Vionnet Gods of Fashion, they are in the minority. This Quarter I have seen lots of wonderful work as well. Soon, I will try and post photos of some of the best garments done by my students in my "Collection Development" classes. I am astounded by how creative they have been! They should be very proud of themselves and I, as their Instructor, am very proud of them.
On another note, however, two of my school bags, with Homework and class binders were lost, and I fear, stolen from the school. When I mentioned this to the school administrators, someone joked "Look On EBAY!" I hope that they are found and/or returned. It has made this week a bit of a downer for me. The only thing I could do is just apologize to the students for not having their Homework back to them and to keep an eye out for it on the Internet! ( as well as give them A's for the stolen Homework).

She goes by the name of Parisjasmal and her blog is monkeyposh.blogspot.com. I emailed her , and asked permission to use the posting plus the photos to showcase here in my blog. I know this sounds cheesy but the hairs on my arms (and I have lots, remember kids, I am half Greek!), were standing up after reading her love-account with the top I designed. I am glad that I can bring joy to someone, and especially make the wearer feel DIVINE, sexy and special.

If you've ever purchased a piece of Nikolaki, I'd love for you to send me a photo of you wearing the garment. If enough people send in pictures I will do a special posting highlighting "The Best of Nikolaki"!