First of all, I must thank everyone for their overwhelming response to Wednesday night's episode. I arrived in New York on Tuesday and have been so busy with Project Runway that, in fact, I not only missed watching the episode but have not been able to check this blog until today.
And WOW!!! I just about fell off my chair when I started to read all the amazing and supportive messages everyone has been leaving for me from all across the country!
Ironically, Wednesday night was when we taped the Reunion episode. When I was finally able to check my cellphone I knew something was up because I had over 20 voicemails filled with overwhelming support and emotion from all my friends and family. Because this was all said and done 7 months ago, my recollection of what had occurred was somewhat hazy, but it all came back to me when I heard the first message which was from my Dad saying how incredibly proud he was of me.
It's been so great to be back in New York and see everyone again, especially the amazing Project Runway crew. They have been so kind and supportive through this whole experience.
I must give a special THANK YOU to all the NY fans that have been stopping me on the street and yelling out encouraging words. I expected people's first words to be "I'm sorry" but instead they have been "You were robbed!". Things happen for a reason, and you will definitely be seeing more of me.
This past week can be summed up with one special story that happened at the end of the final Fashion Show at Bryant Park. Amongst all the photographers and well-wishers, a mother and her adorable little 7 year old daughter emerged out of all the chaos and timidly approached me holding the My Scene Barbie that I had designed. She was shaking and almost in tears asking me to autograph the box. While I was signing she began telling me how much I inspired her and loved my work, and how she wants to become a designer because of me. This one moment makes everything worth it!
Again, thank you so much for all the wonderful messages. I am humbled and filled with indescribable emotion.